Master Students
Arief Dharmawan (2-2024/2025) - Strategic Approach to Migrating ATM Network Infrastructure Management from the Bank to PT XYZ.
Asaduddin As Zanky (2-2024/2025) - Multi-tenant Resource Management for Kubernetes as Container Orchestration.
Bayu Sektiaji (2-2024/2025) - IT Infrastructure Optimization: A Case Study on Transitioning from Virtual Machine Servers to a Serverless Architecture for PT XYZ’s School Management System Platform.
Fakhri Akmal Hidayat (2-2024/2025) - Resource Sharing for Cold Start Problems Prevention in Kubernetes Clusters.
Handoko Baguswasito (2-2024/2025) - Real-time Traffic Anomaly Detection with Networking Telemetry.
Irwan Shofwan (2-2024/2025) - Strategic Plan for Migrating the Access Management System to Ensure Sarbanes-Oxley Act Compliance: A Case Study of PT XYZ.
Muhammad Arya Rumanga A. Baso (2-2024/2025) - Cloud Computing Adoption in Local Government in Sulawesi.
Rahadi Jalu Yoga Utama (2-2024/2025) - Implementation of Practical Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Congestion Control.
Feby Thealma (1-2024/2025) - Managing Change in the SIEM System Migration Process at PT XYZ’s Security Operations Center (SOC). report, slide.
Mochamad Gani Amri (1-2024/2025) - Designing a Multi-Tenant SaaS-Based Software Architecture to Enhance EBITDA: A Case Study of PT Telkom’s Network Monitoring System. report, slide.
Sani Novi Nugraheni (1-2024/2025) - Evaluation of Private Cloud Implementation Using the Cloud Maturity Model: A Case Study on the Ministry of Finance’s Cloud Platform. report, slide.
Tedy Tri Saputro (2-2023/2024) - Transformation of Accounting System Application based on Cloud-native Architecture using a Model-Driven Approach: A Case Study of PT XYZ. report, slide.
Michael Susanto (1-2023/2024) - Critical Legacy System Migration Strategy from Monolithic to Microservices Architecture: A Case Study of PT XYZ. report, slide, repo.
Muhammad Ariq Basyar (1-2023/2024) - FogVerse: Throughput-aware Smart-CCTV Framework. report, slide. Co-supervised with Laksmita Rahadianti.
Haidlir Achmad Naqvi (2-2022/2023) - Improvements to the Practicality of Congestion Control Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. report, slide, repo1, repo2. Co-supervised with Bayu Anggorojati.
Undergraduate Students
Loanda Gunawan (2-2024/2025) - Multi-tenant Kubernetes Cluster.
Razita Afrina Nuriyan (2-2024/2025) - Improvement of Redundancy Values Due to the Use of Kokkos in LAMMPS (Large-Scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) Based on Analysis Results Using GVProf.
Adillah Putri (1-2024-2025) - Analyzing the Performance of the WebTransport Protocol in the PeerToCP Collaborative Code Editor Application. report, slide, repo.
Givarrel Veivel Pattiwael, Nayyara Airlangga Raharjo, Valerian Salim (1-2024/2025) - SYCL VS CUDA VS HIP: Evaluating The Performance and Portability of Different GPU Programming Models on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. report, slide, repo.
Linus Wicaksana (1-2024/2025) - Benchmarking Distributed Databases Using CockroachDB: University Academic Information System Case Study. report, slide, repo.
Adrian Hakim Utomo, Denny Johannes Hasea, and Muhammad Rifqi Aditya (2-2023/2024) - Swarm Based Chatbot Development for Customer Service Needs. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Arawinda Dinakaramani.
Akbar Maliki Haqoni Jati and Haikal Rahman (2-2023/2024) - Multi UAV Data Streaming for Disaster Area Monitoring Using FogVerse. report, slide, repo.
Bornyto Hamonangan (2-2023/2024) - Evaluation of Shared CPU Resources in Managed Kubernetes Service. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Arawinda Dinakaramani.
Brandon Ivander and Ikramullah (2-2023/2024) - Auto Scaling, Dynamic Partition, and Multiprocessing Implementation on FogVerse Library: Study Case of Real-Time Social Media Data Processing for Emergency Event Detection. report, slide, repo.
Dixon Frederick, Johannes Raka Triadana Nikaputra, and Reyza Abyan Gerrit Caloh (2-2023/2024) - Comparative Analysis of Flow Size to Slowdown of INT, PINT, LINT, and DINT Protocol in High Precision Congestion Control using NS3 simulator. report, slide, repo.
Immanuel, Pradipta Davi Valendra, and Tara Mazaya Lababan (2-2023/2024) - GPU Performance Analysis on OpenStack Nova, Zun, and Ironic Using Glmark2, Phoronix Pytorch, and Phoronix NAMD on the Fasilkom UI Cloud Computing Environment. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Arawinda Dinakaramani.
Muhammad Tawfiqul Mawarid Nazaruddin Lopa (2-2023/2024) - Analysis of Practicality Improvement of Congestion Control based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Video Streaming Networks Scenario. report, slide, repo.
Rahadian Panji Ramadhan and Steven Novaryo (2-2023/2024) - Browser Army++: Distributed Test Execution System with Selenium Test Development and Management Interface. report, slide, repo1, repo2.
Vincent Suryakim (2-2023/2024) - Performance Comparison Between Namespace-based and Virtual Cluster Strategies in Kubernetes Multi-tenancy for e-Commerce Applications. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Arawinda Dinakaramani.
Yusuf Fakhri Aldrian (2-2023/2024) - Development of an Animated Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (SIBI) Subtitle Formation Plug-In for Educational Videos. report, slide, repo1, repo2. Co-supervised with Erdefi Rakun.
Bisma Khomeini, Dzikri Qalam Hatorangan, and Muhammad Haqqi Al Farizi (1-2023/2024) - MLOps Design for Generative AI Models with Chaos Engineering-Based Testing. report, slide. Co-supervised with Ari Wibisono.
Faris Haidar Zuhdi and Muhammad Kenshin Himura Mahmuddin (1-2023/2024) - Implementation and Evaluation of Secure Decentralized Instant Messaging with VoIP Utilizing XMPP/OMEMO and WebRTC. report, slide. Co-supervised with Amril Syalim.
Rafi Muhammad Daffa (1-2023/2024) - Development of Transport Layer Learning Module using QUIC for Undergraduate-Level Computer Networks Course. report, slide. Co-supervised with Made Harta Dwijaksara.
Aldi Naufal Fitrah (2-2022/2023) - Kafka-based Extensible High Throughput Streaming Platform for Social Media Data Processing. report, slide, repo.
Antonius Anggito Arissaputro, Mario Serano and Rafi Muhammad (2-2022/2023) - Real-time Location Tracking System Performance Improvement on the Bikunku Application. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Rizal Fathoni Aji.
Arllivandhya Dani, Muhammad Ikhsan Asa Pambayun and Rheznandya Erwanto (2-2022/2023) - Development of Alternative Applications for the BisKita Trans Pakuan Bogor Public Transportation Information Systems. report. slide. Co-supervised with Muhammad Mishbah.
Dennis Al Baihaqi Walangadi, Gerrad Natanael Daloma and Teofanus Gary Setiawan (2-2022/2023) - IPFS-based P2P Network Architecture for Secure and Real-time Collaborative Application. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Amril Syalim.
Dionisius Baskoro Samudra and Ghifari Aulia Azhar Riza (2-2022/2023) - Real-time Crowd Detection for Smart-ads Billboard System with FogVerse. report, slide. Co-supervised with Laksmita Rahadianti.
Fadhil Rasendriya Prabowo (2-2022/2023) - Research and Development of Blockchain Technology in Online DO (Delivery Order) Business Processes. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Ari Wibisono.
Fairuza Raryasdya Ayunda and Radhiansya Zain Antriksa Putra (2-2022/2023) - Reproduction and Handling of Internal Threats from Zero Trust Architecture Implementation in Kubernetes. report, slide, repo.
I Gede Aditya Premana Putra and Niti Cahyaning Utami (2-2022/2023) - Developing a Chat Application with Reliable Decentralized Database, Authentication, and Authorization using Gun.js. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Rizal Fathoni Aji.
Jonathan Nicholas (2-2022/2023) - Analysis of the effect of Load Balancing on the Performance of Web Service Applications in Multi-Region Kubernetes Clusters. report, slide, repo.
Mohammad Riswanda Alifarahman, Muhammad Fathan Muthahhari and Natasya Zahra (2-2022/2023) - Event-Driven Architecture and Big Data for Mahoni Smart City Application Services. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Ari Wibisono.
Muhamad Andre Gunawan (2-2022/2023) - Real-time SAR Victim Detection System Using UAVs and FogVerse. report, slide, repo.
Valentino Herdyan Permadi (2-2022/2023) - Development of the Moodle Plugin for Adding Sign Language Subtitles to Lesson Videos. report, slide, repo1, repo2. Co-supervised with Erdefi Rakun.
Adriel Gian Ananta (1-2022/2023) - Implementation of Mobile TLDraw-P2P to Fulfill Multi-device Aspect of Local-first Real-time Collaborative Whiteboard. report, slide, video.
Andrew (1-2022/2023) - Performance Analysis of Web Service Deployment in Geo-distributed Kubernetes Cluster. report, slide, video, repo.
Annisa Dian Nugrahani and Gita Permatasari Sudjatmiko (1-2022/2023) - Implications of Service Mesh Usage on Canary Canary Deployments for Kubernetes-based Applications: An Empirical Analysis. report, slide, repo.
Gilbert Stefano Wijaya and Muhamad Yoga Mahendra (1-2022/2023) - Resource Profiling and Analysis of Real-time Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ) Log Data Stream Infrastructure on Moodle LMS. report, slide, repo1, repo2, repo3. Co-supervised with Daya Adianto.
Hocky Yudhiono (1-2022/2023) - PeerToCP: WebRTC-based Real-time Collaborative Code Editor and Shared Shell. report, slide, video, repo.
Hugo Irwanto (1-2022/2023) - Blockchain-based Electronic Health Record Management System Prototype Using Hyperledger Fabric. report, slide, video, repo. Co-supervised with Ari Wibisono.
Muhammad Alif Saddid (1-2022/2023) - Optimizing WebRTC-based Peer-to-peer Communication Using Random Peer Sampling Protocol SPRAY on Real-time Collaborative Whiteboard Application. report, slide, video.
Steven (1-2022/2023) - Integrated and Least Privilege Principle Compliant ChatOps Solution for Faster Execution of DevOps and IT Operation Tasks. report, slide, video, repo1, repo2.
Ali Irsyaad Nursya’ban, Fathinah Asma Izzati and Muhammad Azis Husein (2-2021/2022) - Peer-based Curriculum Vitae Review Platform Development and Evaluation fo Students at Universitas Indonesia (REVIEWIN). report, slide.
Alwan Harits Surya Ihsan, Putri Salsabila and Timothy Regana Tarigan (2-2021/2022) - Instant Video Replay (IVR) System for Pencak Silat Tournament. Co-supervised with Gladhi Guarddin.
Dipta Laksmana Baswara Dwiyantoro (2-2021/2022) - KubeEP: Event-based Prescale Tool for Cloud-managed Kubernetes. report, slide, repo.
Doan Andreas Nathanael (2-2021/2022) - TLDraw-P2P: Local-first Real-time Collaborative Whiteboard Using Peer-to-peer WebRTC. report, slide, repo.
Jovi Handono Hutama (2-2021/2022) - SIBLIN: Ethereum-based Bill of Lading Administration System. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Ari Wibisono.
Muhammad Ariq Basyar (2-2021/2022) - FogVerse: Fog-based Architecture for Smart-CCTV System. report, slide, repo. Co-supervised with Laksmita Rahadianti.
Muhammad Aulia Adil Murtito (2-2021/2022) - Real-time Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ) Logs Data Stream on Moodle LMS. report, video, repo1, repo2.
Wulan Mantiri (2-2021/2022) - Automation and Selection Technique for Regression Testing: An Empirical Analysis. report, slide.
Leonardo (1-2021/2022) - Utilization of Serverless Architecture for Application Development in Critical Situation.
Michael Susanto (1-2021/2022) - TweetReam: Cloud-based Real-time Tweet Streaming Platform for Large Scale Microblogging Data Processing. report, repo.
Yosua Krisnando Bagaskara (1-2021/2022) - ReBlogSum: Real-time Summarization Platform for Processing Large Scale Live Blog Data. report, slide, repo.
Eka Satria Soekarno (1-2015/2016) - Analyzing Docker’s Performance for Molecular Dynamic Simulation Based on GPU with AMBER. report, slide. Co-supervised with Prof. Heru Suhartanto.
Agung Putra Pasaribu (2-2014/2015) - Analyzing Docker’s Performance for Virtual Screening of Indonesian Medicinal Plants with Autodock and Autodock Vina. report, slide.
Muhammad Fajar Siddiq (2-2014/2015) - Performance Analysis of VirtualBox and Docker for Cloud Computing Platform. report, slide.
Muhammad Irfan Fadhila (2-2014/2015) - Performance Analysis of Virtual Machine and Docker for Reproducible Computing Environment. report, slide.
Fikrul Arif Nadra (2-2012/2013) - Implementation and Development of NFCafe: NFC-based Android Mobile App for Trading Transaction System in Cafetaria. report. Co-supervised with Heri Kurniawan.